
Get To Know A Stepping Stone

“Our generation does not want its epitaph to read, ‘We kept charity overhead low.’ We want it to read that we changed the world.” Dan Pallotta (see Ted Talk) I was lucky enough to hear Dan Pallotta speak in person  several months ago (Thank you Virginia G. Piper Charitble Trust). I listened to his thesis incorporating…Continued

Secret Millionaire, we are so grateful!

August 8, 2013 Local non-profit gets in on the “Secret” A Stepping Stone Foundation featured on Aug. 11 episode of ABC’s Secret Millionaire PHOENIX, ARIZ. – When A Stepping Stone Foundation Executive Director Cynthia Gattorna received a mysterious e-mail from a ‘documentary producer’ interested in her Phoenix grassroots non-profit, she admits that she almost instinctively hit…Continued

Secret Millionaire: The Day After

We very much hope you all were able to catch Sunday’s Secret Millionaire episode (8/11/13).  Mr. Jay, of course, made good on his word and donated $50,000 to A Stepping Stone Foundation a few short weeks after taping the episode was complete.  Many of the extra wonderful things that Mr. Jay did for/with us included an SUV…Continued

Family Update-Thank YOU Stepping Stone Supporters

I had a lovely visit this summer from one of our former families.   The father is in the process of getting his immigration status revised and was very grateful to receive a letter from A Stepping Stone supporting the fact that both his children had been in our program as preschoolers with Mrs. Fran at the Westwood…Continued

International Family Literacy

It’s 110° outside in Phoenix today.  One of the things I do during the hot summer in Phoenix is online research–A Stepping Stone programs are at a quiet time and I can do this indoors!  When I entered “child-centered family literacy” in my search engine, one of the first hits today was a Canadian site, which you can find…Continued

True Stories: Martha Part V

“That’s Me. That’s My Story”   I ask Martha if she knows that many heroes are quiet heroes? I tell her she is a hero for being a better parent than her own.  I ask her if A Stepping Stone has helped with that? To my surprise (which I hope I shielded from her), she hesitates and I think…Continued

True Stories: Martha Part IV

“That’s Me, That’s My Story.”   Martha’s boyfriend was physically and emotionally abusive.  For the first time in the interview, tears well up in her eyes and she dabs them quietly with a tissue. She did attempt to go back to school and attended Alhambra High for a short time.  She knew of a few…Continued

True Stories: Martha Part III

“That’s Me, That’s My Story.”   While her father did rescue her from her mother’s abuse, he was very consumed by work and was not a warm or caring person toward her or her sister.  Martha speaks of his frequent verbal abuse.  He would speak about his hopes that at least one daughter would go…Continued

True Stories: Martha Part II

“That’s Me, That’s My Story.”   Martha talks very quietly about leaving Veracruz for Nogales and staying there on the Mexico side for about three months until her father could arrange for her and her sister to cross.  When they arrived in Phoenix, she stayed out of school for a whole year waiting for her…Continued