A Stepping Stone Foundation Blog
Cena y Serenata 2013

This year’s 6th Annual Cena y Serenata to benefit A Stepping Stone Foundation Children and their families is on Feb 9, 2013 at the Arizona Grand Resort located just west of 1-17 on Baseline Rd. Doors open at 5:30 PM and RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED (purchase now). Tickets are $100/person. The evening begins with a large silent auction and live Mariachi music by Mariachi Pasión, an all-female troupe that plays stringed instruments only–very romantic and relaxing! Guests will be seated approximately 6:30 for dinner. Live performances from a children’s mariachi group and Fiesta Mexicana (you can get up dance with them for the finale if you like) will entertain you as you dine.
Live Dance Band AZTEX begins playing around 8:30 and you can dance until midnight. Traditional Pozole will be served around 9:30.