A Stepping Stone Foundation Blog
Blessed by the Tooth Fairy

I was blessed by the Tooth Fairy last Tuesday.
It was time for a program visit and Teacher Janet and Program Coordinator Paulette had also alerted me that one of our former preschoolers, Blanca Pereda, CDA, was going to do a short dental presentation for our kids and then give each child a quick tooth cleaning and I really wanted to see that.
So I jumped in the Stepping-Stone-Mobile (thank you again, Climatec!) and drove to Westwood Elementary where our model site is hosted by Alhambra School District. After signing in the front office as all visitors must do by Arizona law, I walked straight back to Miss Janet and Miss Maria’s four-year-old classroom. Sure enough, there was Blanca (preschool class ’92-93, and Billie Gannaway Scholar) wearing her professional whites and holding a dental mirror in the mouth of one of our current preschoolers. Not only were our preschoolers sitting still for the cleaning, but they were lining up to be next!
Miss Janet greeted me in her usual warm and energetic way and asked if I’d seen the Tooth Fairy on my way in the room.
“No,” I said quite disappointedly, “I must have missed her.”
Miss Janet asked me to turn around. There in the Imagine play area was the tooth fairy in gown, tiara and replete with wand. She was holding court to rapt four year old girls and boys. I knew this tooth fairy. It was Blanca’s sister, Angelica (preschool class 96/97 and Billie Gannaway Scholar). The tooth fair smiled right at me and gave a gentle wave of her wand–yes, I was blessed by the Tooth Fairy!

Not only had Blanca brought Tooth Fairy Angelica, she also had brought an enormous dragon hand puppet named Douglas who was brandished by another sister, Hortencia. Mr. Douglas had his own enormous toothbrush and preschool children were practicing their tooth-brushing skills on the dragon’s teeth in the circle area.
Who knew kids could be so excited and enthralled with dental hygiene?
Way to go Blanca, Angelica and Hortencia!