A Stepping Stone Foundation Blog
We Do DL Family Literacy

DL is Distance Learning. Our children and parents have been learning together through DL for four months now. DL has given A Stepping Stone Foundation families the opportunity to participate in our LEAF (Literacy Elevates Arizona Families) program at almost the same level as if they were in person.

The preschool children still meet four days a week online with their parents and certified teachers for age appropriate learning activities. They meet on donated devices with touch screens and do many of the same activities they would be doing in an in-person program. Make no mistake, they do not just sit around and look at a screen while the teacher talks. They are actively learning. Each month, parents pick up (or teachers deliver, if transportation is an issue) a learning kit full of supplies to be used for active learning. See below for a sample of what those learning kits look like.

Parents still meet with teachers for conferencing and parenting education online. Our adult English learners still meet twice a week with Teacher Kevin from Literacy Volunteers of Maricopa County over Zoom. While at first there were bumps in the road and challenges with connectivity, we have smoothed the road for families learning together and will do so until it is safe for all to meet in person once again.
A Stepping Stone LEAF Staff Meeting
Our teaching staff continues to meet for professional development and staff meetings via the internet, too. There is much to discuss in this quickly changing teaching environment and sharing our challenges and solutions is as important as it ever was.
What Was In My August Learning Bag?
¿Qué había en mi bolsa de aprendizaje de agosto?
(picked up 8/4- 8/5 2020)
Writing Journal/ diario de escritura
White board with name / pizarra blanca con nombre
2 pencils / lapices
Dry erase marker / marcador de borrado en seco
Glue stick/ barra de pegamento
Scissors/ tijeras
Markers/ marcadores
Crayons/ lapices de color
Playdough / plastilina
Blocks / bloques