Our impact is the American Dream. Scientific data as well as personal stories show us time and again that an individual’s best chance of rising out of poverty is education and opportunity: A Stepping Stone provides both to the child and the parent. After high school we continue to support our students on their road to success with a college scholarship.
Since 1989, A Stepping Stone Foundation has served more than 1800 families. In a typical year, A Stepping Stone Foundation’s direct family literacy capacity is 40 families per year; that’s 40 three- and four-year-old children, up to 23 younger siblings (for childcare), and at least 40 adults.
This past 2019-2020 year, A Stepping Stone served 42 unique families (36 of them for 6 months or more). Also, for the past six years, the Foundation has been serving 30 participants in the Stepping Into College fall event and awarding an average of 30 college scholarships to former preschoolers per year. Finally, there are two annual job training positions at the Stepping Stone Office where former preschoolers can obtain their first paid work experience.